Video Game Moguls
Here at ABC Finance, we love playing video games and we also love looking into the finances of industries. With that in mind, we took a break from our day job as a leading secured loan broker who specialises in bad credit secured loans to take a look into the world of the leading video game moguls.
The video game industry has become an entertainment titan with budgets comparable to Hollywood blockbusters being put into AAA releases and new ways to play.
The games themselves are more flashy, beautiful and easily accessible than ever. They have become so ubiquitous that it’s highly unlikely you don’t know a ‘gamer’. There’s the console gamer, casual mobile app enthusiast and PC die-hard to name but a few – and odds are you know one of each.
Engaging with video games is no longer a case of picking up a controller, you can now watch expert players show off their skills and even donate – essentially paying them to build their brand as an online personality.
From those that made gaming more accessible and affordable to the entrepreneurs who have made it possible to make money live streaming your prowess, several incredibly savvy individuals have made a name for themselves in an increasingly saturated market.
With all these advances, gaming has become a way of life for many people and the visionaries who paved the way have become exceptionally wealthy in the process. Read on to find out more about five of the most prolific and monied-up video game moguls.
Check out the infographic below or head over to our guide to the best films about finance.